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Approval Workflow not rejects the process

While creating a Workflow “Start approval process” from the SharePoint Designer I got some major error where the Workflow don’t reject the reply from the users and just jump further to the next step. Isn’t that some wrong, while I am using if-else branch where I want workflow to find out either the threat is approved or not
. If not do something and if reject don’t do anything. In my scenario it will not hit the Reject process cos to reject is not activated. In my post I will show how to set the Workflow to be trigger for the reject process too.

Add workflow “Start approval process” in SharePoint designer

Add action “Set workflow variables”.

Choose CancelonRejection to Yes

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Now the approval workflow makes sense.

Fjerne Legg til nytt element / Legg til Dokumenter

Legge til element eller legge til dokumenter er en standard link som dukker opp i lister og biblioteker

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cord reflex pathway. When sexual stimulation is terminated, What is sildenafil? – atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk factors.

. I denne artikkel, skal jeg vise hvordan vi kan skjule linken i SharePoint biblioteker og lister.

Gå til bibliotek du vil skjule linken i à Klikk på Områdehandlinger à Klikk på Rediger side à Legg til webdel à Legg til webdel “Innholdsredigering web del”àLegg til à Klikk på teksten “Klikk her for å legge til nytt innhold” à Klikk på “Rediger HTML-kilde” fra båndet à Legg til følgende kode <style>{Display:none;}</style> à Ok à Klikk på “Stopp redigering”

Linken er borte
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Error “This page is not using a valid pagelayout.”

This is a problem happed when you specially have upgraded from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010

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The problem is the page cannot be opened and we cannot change the layout. So here is solution.

Go to the site/page where the problem appear, in the link bar add this link /_layouts/viewlsts.asp after site link

Click on site actions – site settings – Page layout and site templates – Make sure the page layout is here
. Just in case everything fine here, click Ok

Now let’s change the page layout:

  • Go to Site Content and Structure
  • Find the Pages library
  • Find the Pages
  • View Properties of the page
  • Edit item
  • Choose a valid page layout
  • OK

The problem should be solved.

Change multiple line columns to single line of text

Do you want to change multiple lines of text to single line of text? When we go to list settings under section column, we find the column we want to change

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Click on the column name “Company” , change it into plan text and save.

Now click the column again and this time change it to Single line of text and save.

Now you have changed from “Multiple lines of text” to “Single line of text”.