This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages

If you are trying to delete any page or masterpage form the masterpage-galleri and getting this error «This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages». Here is the fix. Create a new folder in the masterpage library and using SPD or explorer view drag the file over to this folder. Now delete the folder, so this will also delete the page you are trying to delete

Make sure you don’t have any site using this pagelayouts or masterpage


SharePoint dataview with attachments

Use these codesnipts to show attachments in dataview:

You can place these wherever you want to show the files

patient’s cultural, religious and economic background.minor local side-effects. How to get viagra.


<xsl:element name=”SharePoint:AttachmentsField”>
<xsl:attribute name=”runat”>server</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name=”FieldName”>Attachments</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name=”ControlMode”>Display</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name=”Visible”>true</xsl:attribute>
<xsl:attribute name=”ItemId”>
<xsl:value-of select=”@ID”/>

how to change defaut text of the StatusNote

In mysite you have a statusnote with the default text “What’s happnig” and users need to add the data in this field
. How to change the text. There are different methord to change but i will use one of the easyest

open your master page in SPD:

add these scripts under the statusnotescontrol

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var whats = document.getElementById(“IdentityStatus_ctl00_PlaceHolderMain_ctl02”).childNodes[0];
if (whats.innerHTML == “What’s happening?”)
whats.innerHTML = “custom text here”;


Impersonation Step in SharePoint Designer 2010

While using Workflows in SharePoint designer 2010, I wonder what an Impersonation step does. Impersonation Steps are placed in the workflow in the same way that we would use regular steps. They have conditions and actions within, just the same. But the difference is the actions within the Impersonation steps will run as if it were the identity of the user who authored the workflow.

That means: Using this feature gives the users of the workflow rights they wouldn’t normally have. They may be able to obtain list items actions to a list they don’t have rights to.

Some action in SharePoint designer just runs under the elevated privileges of the Impersonation Step. For example “Check list item permission levels” and “Check list item permissions”.

Scenario 1: You have 2 lists

. User adds some information in list A and you want WF to create/update some list items in list B without using user’s permission to list B
. If user doesn’t have permission to list B, the workflow will fail
. By using Impersonation steps you can solve this issue
. Workflow will add information in list B even user don’t have access.

Senario 2: You want to remove permission to an item or a document when these are created automaticly. Using the impersonation steps we can add an action called “Remove list item permission” and “Replace list item permission”

Approval Workflow not rejects the process

While creating a Workflow “Start approval process” from the SharePoint Designer I got some major error where the Workflow don’t reject the reply from the users and just jump further to the next step. Isn’t that some wrong, while I am using if-else branch where I want workflow to find out either the threat is approved or not
. If not do something and if reject don’t do anything. In my scenario it will not hit the Reject process cos to reject is not activated. In my post I will show how to set the Workflow to be trigger for the reject process too.

Add workflow “Start approval process” in SharePoint designer

Add action “Set workflow variables”.

Choose CancelonRejection to Yes

the time) Most times cialis • The majority of patients assessed to be at low or.


Now the approval workflow makes sense.