SharePoint set blank value to date column in SharePoint designer workflow (1/1/1900 to empty/null)

If you have a date list column and using SharePoint designer workflow add empty string or empty datestring, you get a date of 1/1/1900. Sometime you want to add blank value to this value and using SharePoint designer workflow
. You have no solution either you add extract querystring or use any other designer action. However, there is one easy solution to use:

  • Start SharePoint designer and go to the workflow – edit workflow.
  • In SharePoint, list settings, change date column to single line of text.
  • Update SharePoint designer and add a string variable.
  • Now add action update list item and choose value as empty string – workflow variables. Suppose your workflow run on item change or manual.
  • Publish your workflow.
  • Change column to date again in list settings.
  • Now you will get empty date when workflow determine.

SharePoint alert you that you will lost data during changing column from date to text field. But that did not happened to me

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. You do this operation on your own responsibility.

This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages

If you are trying to delete any page or masterpage form the masterpage-galleri and getting this error «This item cannot be deleted because it is still referenced by other pages». Here is the fix. Create a new folder in the masterpage library and using SPD or explorer view drag the file over to this folder. Now delete the folder, so this will also delete the page you are trying to delete

Make sure you don’t have any site using this pagelayouts or masterpage


sharepoint event receiver checkbox yes/no

May be you want to run a list event during adding/ updating items

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. Following codes help to grab the yes/no value from checkbox



bool CheckBoxValue = (Convert.ToBoolean(properties.AfterProperties[“Order”]));

if (CheckBoxValue == true)

{properties.AfterProperties[“Comment”] = “My new comment”;}

10 reasons to do not use folders in SP

10 reason to avoid the folder structure in SharePoint
. Use following link to see what to use in SharePoint to get similar/better possibilities to folders.

Folder are real headache

potential benefits and lack of invasiveness. Historically, sildenafil complaints. Objective testing (or partner reports) may be.

. There many more reasons, not mentioned in this slideshow.


Vise oppgaver på tvers i arbeidsområde for møter

Et arbeidsområde i SharePoint er et webområde for innsamling av all informasjon og alt materiale for ett eller flere møter internt i en avdeling/seksjon. Det kan være møtematerialet, for eksempel sakslister, relaterte dokumenter, møtereferat, målsettinger og oppgaver, osv

Som standard vises det oppgave liste på forsiden i arbeidsområde

. Denne webdelen viser bare oppgaver knyttet til dette møtet. Ofte vil vi gjerne vise oppgaver på tvers og oppgaver som ikke er fullført. Dett kan gjøres fra oppgaveliste egenskaper.

Gå til oppgaveliste – Gå til avanserte egenskaper – Velge vise oppgaver på tvers
. Det er viktig å lese melding under
. En gang du har endret til serieelement kan du ikke angre.:)
