SharePoint Workflow – Stuck with the error “Due to heavy load, the latest workflow operation has been queued”

It you get this message probably you have run Powershell to start workflow

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And Sharepoint put pending on WF-status on all items

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Run the Workflow timer job from Central administration

SearchEngineOptimization error on few subsites

My site collections get error while using Seo settings for pages
. it happen just for few sub sites not to all

  • checked the logs
  • created new pages with different templates
  • testet to create new sites
  • activate/deactivated publishing feature
  • everything else i could do

This solution worked for me: that do not discard the properties added in exsisting pages for seo-settings.

Disable-spfeature [Guid]”17415B1D-5339-42F9-A10B-3FEF756B84D1″ –Url http://urldelasitecollection

Enable-spfeature [Guid]”17415B1D-5339-42F9-A10B-3FEF756B84D1″ –Url http://urldelasitecollection

List view not showing all items using filter

In your SharePoint list, you have column where you want to filter content from in a list view

. You create a new view and try to filter content from this column but nothing appear
. Even you add column to view. However, this column show content in all items and you can sort the content and filter content using metadata navigation. You also make sure that your filter is defined properly. First this is to do is to try to see the query in SharePoint designer in list view but that doesn’t help.

The only solution is to create a new column with new name, move all content to this column, then recreate the buggy column, and move content back. Then delete the temporary column.

Only problem is when you move content your item get new version and may be workflow also run. The safe way is to disableeventfiring and disable updating the item. In addition, just preform an update to these columns

44• Oral Agentsbe initiated following a specialist opinion and/or generic cialis.

. Here is PowerShell script help you move content from one column to another without having item update. When content is moved, change the column names and move content back.

So you run this script twice. Once when you move form buggy column second you move from temporary column to original column. Make sure you change column names.

Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -EA SilentlyContinue

$myAss = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(“Microsoft.SharePoint”);

$type = $myAss.GetType(“Microsoft.SharePoint.SPEventManager”);

$prop = $type.GetProperty([string]”EventFiringDisabled”,[System.Reflection.BindingFlags] ([System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::NonPublic -bor [System.Reflection.BindingFlags]::Static));

$prop.SetValue($null, $true, $null);

$listName = “ListName

$web = Get-SPWeb http://sitecollection

$list = $web.Lists[$listName]

$items = $list.items

foreach($item in $items) { $user = $item[“Lastname“]

$item[“Lastname2“] = $user


$prop.SetValue($null, $false, $null);


Good luck.